The traditional Gibraltar Race, a trans-continent rally taking riders from Romania to Gibraltar via Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, is being held in Italy this year. The decision was made due to the pandemic-related restrictions, and the Gibraltar Race this year is dubbed “The Boot” due the the shape of the Italian peninsula.

Participants will cover 7,000 kilometes over 14 stages in Sardinia, Sicily, and maindland Italy. The race is stretching over 17 days of ridiculous rallying and dirt riding fun and, as always, Gibraltar welcomes ADV and rally riders aboard all makes, models, and sizes of bikes.

The Gibraltar Race is a hybrid event of adventure riding and rally racing: the participants are navigating with GPS units competing over special stages; just about anybody with a working bike and a driver’s license can join, and it can be a perfect prelude for the bigger rally races. No need for roadbook navigation equipment, racing licenses, or that perfect KTM450 rally replica – all you’ve got to do is sign up and ride…on just about anything: famously, Gibraltar Race 2019 champion was Renato Zocchi aboard a Honda X-ADV scooter. His win may have something to do with the fact that Zocchi is a Rally Dakar vet, but the principle stands: you can try your rally mojo at the Gibraltar on your big adventure bike, your medium-sized dual sport or, well, a chunky ADV scooter.

Today marks the mid-way point for Gibraltar Race as participants are battling it out on the Francavilla – Abruzzo stage. To follow Gibraltar live, check out their website and Facebook pages and, if you feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins, be sure to sign up for Gibraltar race 2022!
Images: Rally Cool/Gibraltar Race
Are there tour companies that rent motorcycles for the Gibraltar Race?
Hello James,
I’m not sure, please ask the Gibraltar Race staff using their contact form here: